Forklift F Endorsement & OSH Certificate

F Endorsement

Course details

The F endorsement enables an operator of a forklift to operate legally on a road. The definition of a road is quite broad. It includes streets, motorways, beaches, a place to which the public have access (whether as of right or not), bridges, culverts, ferries, fords that form part of a street or motorway, and all sites where a vehicle may be weighed for the purposes of the Land Transport Act. The definition includes locations where there are access to operations such as distribution centres with fenced forecourts but when the gates are open.

CTLNZ Forklift Operator Training Courses are designed to improve operating technique and make forklift operators more aware of the safety and mechanical implications of forklift operation.

As a result of improved techniques and greater knowledge, your operator becomes more productive and more profitable to your company, as well as meeting the obligations of the Health and Safety in Employment Act 2015.

CTLNZ offers a range of forklift operator courses from learners to 'F' Endorsement. The courses cater for both individual and group requirements in Cambridge, Waikato, but also can be held on-site at company premises (subject to numbers)

On Completion of Course
Your legal obligations

Forklift OSH Certificate

Course details

Forklift Operators Certificate - Refresher are also available for the OSH (Operators Safety & Health) Certificate.The OSH Operators Certification requires a refresher every 3 years for the certificate to remain current.

CTLNZ forklift licences are NZTA approved, giving you confidence that you're getting the right training.

Public courses for forklift training are held in Cambridge, Waikato, and can be completed in a single working day.

A trained forklift operator is the key behind ensuring the most effective and safe use of forklifts in the workplace. Having a trained and certified forklift operator requires a Forklift Operators Certificate as a minimum and if driving on a road, an F endorsement on their licence.

For those companies that have dispatch, materials management and stock warehousing, there is a risk of being adversely affected by a lack of forklift training.

Once staff are trained it is important to consider best practice with the refresher of the Operators Certificate. As well as the potential for accidents, fines and penalties, there are many benefits for businesses to have properly certified and trained forklift operators.

The key benefits of having trained forklift operators are:

  • Time saving
  • Risk reduction
  • Reduced inventory loss
  • Less machine damage
  • Increased confidence of the staff
  • Overall cost reduction

For more useful information about forklift training and forklift licence requirements, please refer to WorkSafe.

Your legal obligations

Available dates

Next Available Course : Next public course is Friday April 04th 2025. Please email to register

Follow us on facebook for upcoming public course dates and information.
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